The glitch effects were nice, same for the visuals. Simulation: A nice retrospective area where it uses worlds of previous marathon games to make new screens. The boss is also nice, maybe a bit too RNG when he moves. Otherwise, the area is really pleasant to play. I just had one problem with it: I jump with the up arrow and put the up button on shift so my brain had an hard time for using the whip verticaly. Castlevania: Great area with a neat whip and grab ball gimmicks. It's not bad, it just feels a bit out of place. It's not necesseraly a bad thing but I think it break the pace of the game, and while Isaac areas has a lot of fangames refenrences, Contra area is just Contra with maybe a few spike here and one trap there. I mean, Contra and Isaac areas aren't fangames of IWBTG but fangames of there respecive original games. I feel that marathon games, by trying to be more and more original, are becoming less and less fangames. Contra: I don't really know what to say about it so I'm gonna talk about something that bothered me a bit here because it's related to this area. The boss is nice but it was a bit hard for me because I wasn't consistent at riffle jumping.

I just found the riffle jump gimmick a bit hard to understand and use. I think if you like the original game, you will like it a lot because the visuals are neat and there is everything you could expect from a spelunky area. Spelunky: I'm not a fan of the original game so there's no suprise if I say I'm not a fan of this area. I just would have liked to see more original attacks for biff because it's basically a reskined monstro. Orignal game physics and fangame humor and references for an amazing area, my favorite ref being the apples with legs for the spiders and the trees for the spawners. Isaac: The binding of isaac rebirth is one of my favorite games so I was really hyped for this area. I just think there could be an indication for the hand at the end because I was avoiding it for dozen of seconds before realising that I have to let it catch me. The boss is also amazing, with nice animated attacks. Baba is you: the best area imo, the puzzles are amazing while being not that hard and it's visually neat (same for your character sprite). The boss is also excellent, it's a buffed and visualy polished mecha birdo from IWBTG. I really liked it because it has some variety thanks to a nice use of the dig gimmick. This area is quite long, with some funny traps and a dig gimmick. Mario: after mario bros, mario world and mario bros 3, here mario bros 2. The dash and bounce gimmick is neat, I really laugh a lot. Runner: very funny, I expected a mario stage for the beginning but this is a good intro to the game. What follow is my opinion of each area so it will be full of spoilers: Those games become more and more polished and original, searching for less mainstream games and it's nice to see. An amazing new entry in the blind game marathon series.